[CQ-Contest] VHF Contesting Webinar Reminder

Ken Claerbout k4zw at verizon.net
Wed Jun 10 16:51:21 EDT 2015

A reminder that the WWROF is hosting two VHF contest related Webinars. Here are the details:

 "VHF Contesting - Optimize Your Station & Experience!" with Joel Harrison,W5ZN. 

VHF contesting is an exciting part of amateur radio and the contest scene. It presents some differences and challengesfrom HF contesting but is just as rewarding in achievement. Whether you're looking for a top 10 score,increasing your VUCC or WAS level or want to enjoy a weekend with a new amateurradio experience this information will be of benefit to you. 

 Date: Thursday, June 11
Time:9 PM EDT (Friday, June 12 01:00 UTC)
Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6159316071741208066

 "VHF Rovers: Contesting Operations and Impact" with Rick Rosen, K1DS

 -Brief history of roving, both before and after ARRL adopted the category
-Equipping the basic and sophisticated rover
-Rover activity
-Rover contest scores and their impact on fixed stations
-Future rovers and the new VHF contest rules

Date: Wednesday, June 24
Time: 9 PM EDT (Thursday, June 25 01:00 UTC)
Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6099958936504119810

Ken K4ZW

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