[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX

w7dra at juno.com w7dra at juno.com
Sat May 16 02:25:32 EDT 2015


i hope to come out of retirement for the WPX, and i will be running SO2O
(single operator, two oscillator) 160 M HP. this is not a class yet that
has been yet corrupted to my knowledge: i will be running with my
rockbound MOPA,  and picking up mulitpliers (and CQ machines) by
switching to my ARC5 VFO

this assumes i can crawl under the operating table and fix my HV supply
so i can warm up the old W7RM 833a

antenna will be a quarter wave vertical with two raised tuned radials,
all i have room for.

mike w7dra


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