[CQ-Contest] What am I to think?

dt wd5r at ozarkisp.net
Mon May 18 08:13:16 EDT 2015

Frank, in responding to your request,
I feel much same way I would
had I received a request from Steven Hawking
asking what I had seen in the Arkansas sky last night.

We basically used the diagram in Low-Band DXing, 3rd ed.
page 7-31 for start.
In-phased wires, 850ft long, approx 390ft spacing,
and terminated.

Isolation transformers Fairrite 2873000202
2 to 5 winding, (thanks to W8JI )

No transformer at junction of RG6 feed lines.
Yes, I'm sure I lose something without proper

All RG6 brought to the house buried
in 1/2 Polyethylene tubing .

We have six pairs with that arrangement,
2 to West, 2 to NW, and 2 to NE.

We  also have same setup toward north,
except not terminated.

Single wires toward SE and SW

All shields grounded at house entrance.
Our switching at the desk allows us
to keep both receivers in our K3 happy.

Most of you that read this will recognize it is an
Arkansas chicken farmer installation and there is
nothing special about our arrangement.

The hard part was wading through chicken sheet for
15 years in order to come up with the pasture space.

More detail might cause you to fall out'a your
chair laughing or more likely, for you
engineers, serious stomach pain.

Situation could be summed up by suggesting
you put an underfunded car in a NASCAR race
with an 83 yr old farm hand as driver.

Doug, n5ect
2nd in command at WD5R

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