[CQ-Contest] Preview of CQWW Rules 2015

Glenn Wyant va3dx at sympatico.ca
Thu May 21 12:09:57 EDT 2015

 Just makes a reason for me , to operate casually.
I love working the CW contests , and sometimes if conditions
are good, and if personnal circumstances allow, I will try
to operate a large portion of the contest.

However if should do well, and I am asked for a recording,
well that wont happen.

I will just operate my usual casual single-op assisted category,
send in my log , and forget about it.....

Glenn VA3DX

I guess the rule change, if adopted, means that all of us will have to 
find out how to make a recording and do it for every contest.
 John, K4BAI/PJ4A.

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