[CQ-Contest] Correcting Call/Exchange DURING the Contest

Ken Widelitz widelitz at gte.net
Sun May 24 14:10:38 EDT 2015

I see nothing wrong with realizing I miscopied, or mistyped, a call, or part
of an exchange, earlier in the contest, after working the same station on
another band, or even subsequently hearing him on the same band, and
correcting the earlier QSO DURING the contest. That is NOT assistance. That
is NOT post contest log scrubbing. It is correcting an error DURING the
competition. It is a choice that takes time away from other operating
activities DURING the contest. I admit I have done this in almost every
contest. I am not embarrassed to make that admission. 


What difference does it make if I change a W6 from a previously logged
default zone 3 to his actual sent zone 4, which I notice the second time I
work him, which change is undetectable in a recording vs. changing an S to
an H in the suffix of the call which I notice the second time I work him,
which is detectable in a recording. Why should the latter be a grounds for
DQ when the former cannot be? 


Potential DQs for changes made without assistance DURING a contest is simply
bad policy. 


73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT



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