[CQ-Contest] Leveling the playing field

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Wed Nov 11 14:51:36 EST 2015

On Tue,11/10/2015 8:21 PM, Ed Sawyer wrote:
> The SS contests do not have negative
> growth.  The actual facts are that in the last sunspot cycle the Phone
> portion was running 1600 - 1700 logs submitted and in this sunspot cycle
> they are running more like 1675 - 1910.  The CW portion was 1250 - 1350 and
> today is 1300 - 1450.  Both flat to up about 10%.

One of the great things about contests like SS, NAQP, and Sprint is the 
competition between clubs and teams. Another is that it's possible for 
small, medium, and large clubs almost anywhere to be competitive in SS, 
and for locally formed teams almost anywhere to be competitive in NAQP 
and Sprint. There's been long-standing competition between PVRC, SMC, 
and NCCC in the large club category in SS, and in an off-the-books 
interclub challenge for NAQP that has boosted activity. Which club wins 
depends more on turn-out and activity than on geography, and all three 
clubs have won. Likewise, there's great competition between medium-size 
clubs all over NA.

73, Jim K9YC

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