[CQ-Contest] Dayton Hamvention Future?

Bob Burns W9BU w9bu_lists at rlburns.net
Sun Nov 15 18:35:15 EST 2015

> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf
> Of Richard F DiDonna NN3W
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Dayton Hamvention Future?
> As long as DARA wants to make money, they will keep Hamvention in Dayton.

Agreed. DARA owns the rights to the Hamvention name and they are free to do
what they want with the event. Whether we attend or not is up to us.

> You need tailgate space, vendor and exhibitor space and conference room

This is where I disagree. Granted, the flea market is key to the legend and
lore of Hamvention. But, I think amateur radio deserves to have a major
convention and exposition in the U.S. where hams and non-hams alike can go
to see new products and learn about new technologies in hobbiest
radio/electronics. Note that I did not include "flea market" in that
statement. Tattered boxes of old radio knobs or stacks of 30-year-old test
gear does not strike me as new and exciting.

> I've not gone to Hamvention in years but I expect a lot of slop when I go.

And, to me, this is the sad part of Hamvention. How can amateur radio
project itself in a positive light when the premier amateur radio gathering
in the U.S. is characterized by "slop"?


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