[CQ-Contest] Why SuperCheckPartial makes you assisted

VE2TZT ve2tzt at arrl.net
Tue Nov 24 12:22:59 EST 2015

Always the same topic coming back periodically from ''old good times'' 

Very symptomatic : ''because SCP uses information ... compiled by 
others'' That looks pretty like the definition of a .EXE software.

In this case I am assisted because :

-I use a radio with some piece of software in it, which means every 
radio made today.
-I use a memory keyer
-I use a computer
-I use a logging software
-I use a DSP

Perhaps it is not enough for some, I should build my radio by myself or 
perhaps even produce my own electricity

Yes... while I am transmitting, somewhere people are working at 
producing my electricity so they are assisting me.

Not mentioning my wife bringing my sandwich during the contest that is 
even worst that ''assisted'' we are directly jumping to ''multiop'' 

Actually what you want guys is to come back to 60's just with just a 
tube radio, a pen and sheets of paper to be allowed to enter in non 
assisted category.

BTW what about the guy who rent a station and just have to put his butt 
in the chair ? Is he assisted ?

Gilles VA2EW

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