[CQ-Contest] FOX: FUN, FOX Teams, FOX apps

Dale Putnam daleputnam at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 8 09:04:26 EDT 2015

It is time.. time to consider.. the trees turning colors... the air is crisp... temps dropping.. 
Soon,.. we will be looking at a white field of fluffy snow.. with little tracks across it.. soft breezes gently caressing....
the icicles.
and the FOX will be hunted!

We are less than a month away from the start.. (Nov 3. on 40m, Nov. 5 on 80m) it is time 
to put your apps in for FOX.. and gather up a team to have a blast while hunting.
Don't wait until the last minute.. or disappointment may prevail. The last minute flies past 
quickly in the sugar rush from Halloween candy. 
(and your scorekeeper gets grumpy.. and NO ONE likes a grump)
Prevention is a great thing.. especially when you can have a lotta fun doing it too!!
Check out the web page.. www.qrpfoxhunt.org
 check out the QFOX QRP Foxhunts on Facebook,
and don't miss the comments on the qfox reflector mail at qfox at yahoogroups.com
Y'all come 

Have a great day, 
--...   ...--
Dale - WC7S in Wy


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