[CQ-Contest] When is it OK to refuse to give out a QSO?

John W xnewyorka at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 27 12:27:33 EDT 2015

Hi Larry,
By any chance do you happen to have a recording of the contest which demonstrates that I "kept on calling and covering up DX that was calling" you?  
If so, I would very much like to hear it.    The fact is that I called exactly once, spoke quickly, and it was at a time when you had no other callers.
Misrepresenting the facts in a public forum is really not good form.  I applaud you for having the creativity and guts to fabricate a story that, if only it were true, would justify your unsportsmanlike behavior.    You are certainly welcome to your opinion, but anyone who has ever operated with me or worked me in a contest can tell you that I am anything but a lid.  I don't wish for this to degrade into a public name-calling event, so I'll go QRT.

> Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 03:13:10 -0400
> To: w6sx at arrl.net; cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] When is it OK to refuse to give out a QSO?
> From: cq-contest at contesting.com
> hello all,
> i is my prerogative to work any station that i please. in this instance John, W2ID kept on calling and covering up DX that was calling me. after a few unanswered calls he should have realized that either i did not hear him or had no interest in making a contact with him. he was rude and self centered. DX contests are for working DX. easy enough for him to find a VE7 at the end of the contest as they are calling CQ all over the band. 
> yes, yes, yes John please do not work me in Sweepstakes! i will make it a point to call you on every band that i hear you. after a while you will get tired of not hearing others calling you because of me still calling. as they say- "the shoe is on the other foot".
> your attitude is self serving and you have a lot of nerve to complain about my choices.
> for those who are in the US and call politely i will be glad to put you in my log. i have no time for LIDS like W2GD.
> 73,
> larry
> n7dd 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hank Garretson <w6sx at arrl.net>
> To: pacer99 <pacer99 at aol.com>
> Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 9:52 pm
> Subject: Fwd: [CQ-Contest] When is it OK to refuse to give out a QSO?
> Good Afternoon OM Larry,
> I don't know if you've seen this. 
> Is there another side of the story?
> Contest Exuberantly,
> Hank, W6SX
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: John W <xnewyorka at hotmail.com>
> Date: Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 9:03 AM
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] When is it OK to refuse to give out a QSO?
> To: CQ Contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> As I type this, I am sitting here fuming mad and deliberating on whether to keep plugging away in the CQWW SSB contest or just shut off the PC and radio.    Blessed with three young children (two toddlers and an infant), I have extremely little time for radio these days. So I am doing a VERY part time effort in the contest, yet still trying to maximize my score for the few hours I can put in.
> It is Sunday morning. My wife is napping with the baby, and I have gotten the kids set up in front of the TV with their favorite show and I can finally sit down at the radio without interruption.  I have made only a few QSOs so far on 15m this weekend.  I just looked all over the band for Zones 3 and 4.  I found K5TR calling CQ, waited until he had nobody else calling him, and made a quick call, saying "W2ID for the mult".  He quickly replied "W2ID 59 4", I gave the report and logged the qso and mult. QSO made and logged, all in less than 3 seconds. Thank you!
> Tuned around some more, and some more, and finally found N7DD for zone 3. Excited, I waited a few minutes until he had no callers, and then gave a quick call just as I did with K5TR.  Instead of replying with the expected "W2ID 59 3", he replied with "It's a little too late in the contest for that.  Go find a VE."   I was completely speechless, and couldn't even think of a reply before he called CQ again.  Then I replied with "I'll remember that in Sweepstakes."  He snarled back with "Yeah, you do that."
> So not only will I remember it in Sweepstakes, so will everybody else who reads it here.
> Now I have spent enough time typing this that I could have made at least 15 QSOs, which would have more than compensated for the lost multiplier.  Wondering whether I should go try and find another zone 3, or just go and watch Bob the Builder with my kids instead. At least they will take a few seconds out of their favorite TV show to talk to me...
> 73 & GL all (except N7DD that is),
> JohnW2ID
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