[CQ-Contest] When do we spot? Should it be required?

John Boudreau John_Boudreau at gov.nt.ca
Tue Oct 27 21:16:44 EDT 2015

I'd like to throw out the suggestion that everyone in an "Assisted" category gets "x" number of self-spots per contest.  It then becomes an interesting strategic decision when and where to use your few self-spots over the duration of the contest.  Do you use it to announce that you're on a "dead" band that you KNOW is open to somewhere?  Do you use one to tell that you're hiding in a remote corner of the band and listening somewhere else?  Perhaps one to perk up a dying run on a crowded band?  It would add a dimension far better than "everybody gets spotted" with RBN.  

The actual number would have to be decided upon but I'm thinking like 20 or so in a contest.  Penalties would have to be somewhat harsh for going over the magic number, say 100 QSO penalty per over-spot?

John VE8EV

-------- Original message --------
From: Randy Thompson K5ZD <k5zd at charter.net>
Date: 2015/10/26 21:29 (GMT-06:00)
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] When do we spot? Should it be required?

I am not sure where the prohibition against asking to be spotted came from.
Perhaps it is time to remove that from the rules?  Or go even one step more
and allow self-spotting.

We sure noticed the lack of rate until after a spot here at PJ4Q this

Randy, K5ZD

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