[CQ-Contest] N1MM Auto-spotting Change

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Oct 30 15:20:16 EDT 2015

On Fri,10/30/2015 11:35 AM, W0MU wrote:
> Forgetting to set run mode is a pretty common issue. 

It is if you don't call CQ with an F-key CQ message. I use three CQ 
messages -- a very short (TEST K9YC) on F1, a slightly longer one on F8, 
and a longer one on F9. Since F1 is the designated CQ message, I must 
add {CQ} to the messages on F8 and F9. Now, any of the three F-key CQs 
will put me in run mode.

73, Jim K9YC

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