[CQ-Contest] [Bulk] Re: Help Identifying Antenna

Ulf Schneider uschneid at posteo.de
Sun Sep 6 05:03:28 EDT 2015


Dave asked for the manufacturer, not for the inventor.


On 05.09.2015 15:15, V. Sidarau wrote:
> Ulf,
> What do you mean by "for years"? As far as I can see, the antenna in
> question is the one of the W3DZZ design. I recall an article in a
> magazine in mid 1960ies describing a coax trap mod to the W3DZZ. And
> I mean, mod, because the "classic" W3DZZ used to use regular LC
> traps. It also means that the W3DZZ design had been known well before
> that date.
> OK, the question is, who was the 1st, W3DZZ or Mr. Kelemen?
> 73,
> Vlad VE3IAE

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