[CQ-Contest] cqcontest.net

Mark van Wijk pa5mw at home.nl
Thu Apr 7 04:04:43 EDT 2016

   Call me naive but,

   when  I  participate  as  SO  Unassisted  I  switch  off  ALL internet
   access/devices/routers in my house

   I am only 'connected' to my rig and antennas at my QTH.

   It should not be so difficult for anyone to define the 'Traditional' if you
   respect its purpose.

   Maybe the balance between the two should be shifted; make Assisted much more
   rewarding; maybe go as far as providing money for the winners.

   73 Mark, PA5MW

     Op 7 april 2016 om 2:09 schreef Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com>:
     On 06/04/2016 20:17, Radio K0HB wrote:
     > N1UR said: ....rename it - Traditional and Pro
     > BRILLIANT!!!
     It's not brilliant, because if categories or overlays
     are renamed, they still have to be defined.
     Where is the boundary between Assisted and Unassisted?
     The names give no clue.
     Where is the boundary between Traditional and Pro?
     The names give no clue.
     Where is the boundary between Connected and Unconnected?
     The names tell us most (not all) of what needs to be known.
     If you want to be Unconnected
     * do not connect to any external network
     * do not use local Skimmer-like technology
     Paul EI5DI
     CQ-Contest mailing list
     CQ-Contest at contesting.com

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