[CQ-Contest] New hamvention location

John E Bastin jbastin at sssnet.com
Wed Aug 3 10:22:23 EDT 2016

On Aug 2, 2016, at 15:51, Jeff Clarke <ku8e at bellsouth.net> wrote:
> It will be interesting to see how the new Hamvention location works out. I'm just wondering if they have rooms where the forums can take place or if they will relocate them? N2IC mentioned there was a nearby high school. If you remember there was a year that the contest forum at Dayton was held at a high school down the street from Hara. Maybe they will do the same in Xenia?

I took the exams for Advanced and Extra Class license in Dayton, April 30, 1978. The test sessions were held at the high school.

> Many of you might not know but back in 1974 Xenia was practically leveled during a major tornado breakout. http://www.libraries.wright.edu/special/ddn_archive/2011/04/19/xenia-tornado-of-1974/

I remember that memorable tornado event. I’m in Wooster, OH, about 150 miles from Xenia as the crow flies; I read about paper debris found in our local area identified as having come from a financial institution in Xenia.


John K8AJS
jbastin at sssnet.com

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