[CQ-Contest] help needed to get FLDIGI to copy CW accurately

DXer hfdxmonitor at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 17:45:33 EST 2016

Hi Fritz,

I use FLDigi to help me with CW, without it, I would not participate in 
contests. The operative word here is 'help'. To the best of my 
knowledge, no morse decoding software will copy code accurately. By 
accurate I mean between 70-100% consistently.

There are simply too many variables, propagation and sending quality, 
just to mention two of them.

That said, I keep squelch active, but not more than 5 or 10 % of the 
scale. All other settings are left at default. Also, try putting the 
receiver in LSB mode.

That gibberish mixed with the actual signal on the second line, could 
indicate that the squelch was set too low or off.

Sorry if could not be of more help.

73 de Vince, VA3VF

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