[CQ-Contest] Open Letter to VE Contesters

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Tue Feb 23 16:35:16 EST 2016



OMG - This is ridiculous ! You've flipped your wig dude. Seriously.


Hey, did you know that in Canada, we are only allowed 750W output on CW?
(*yes, it's fact - look it up)

I want all W1's to now only operate their amps at half throttle.  (If I said
that with any amount of seriousness, I would never be allowed back into New


Give your head a shake dude.


BTW, for the record, I seldom operate in areas where USA stns "can't
go"...only when I have no other place to go.


Mike VE9AA..."not a contender"



I wish I could see a way to change the rules to make US and Canada separate

categories but it doesn't really make sense given the contest structure.


Ed  N1UR




Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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