[CQ-Contest] Ohio is now West Coast - rebuttal
W0MU Mike Fatchett
w0mu at w0mu.com
Mon Feb 29 20:00:17 EST 2016
On 2/29/2016 10:21 AM, Tim Shoppa wrote:
> CQ WW 1972 Phone, top 4 W6 scores: W6RR 2.3M K6AHF 1.8M W6MAR: 1.3M
> W6DGH: 1.1M Top 4 W1 scores: K1CPF 0.8M K1CSJ 0.7M K1JHX 0.5M WA1PID
> 0.4M Tim N3QE Single exceptions fail to disprove the facts! How about
> simple
>> statistics -- in virtually any ARRL or CQ DX contest, compare averages
>> of top scores from W6 with W1.
>> 73, Jim K9YC
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 15:47:15 +0100
>> From: "DL5AXX, WRTC2018" <dl5axx at wrtc2018.de>
>> To: cq-contest at contesting.com, rrdxa at mailman.qth.net,
>> bcc at bavarian-contest-club.de, wrtc2018 at lists.wrtc2018.de
>> Subject: [CQ-Contest] new scores in standings
>> Message-ID: <56D30873.1060807 at wrtc2018.de>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> Hi folks,
>> added IARU-HF 2015 final scores.
>> Sorry, posted an old link :-)
>> Current standings at
>> http://wrtc2018.de/index.php/en/qualification/standings-2
>> 73 Ulf, DL5AXX
>> WRTC2018 qualifications
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 4
>> Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 19:10:52 +0000
>> From: Martin Durham <W1md at W1md.net>
>> To: Scott Ellington <k9ma at sdellington.us>
>> Cc: "cq-contest at contesting.com" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Your Call?
>> Message-ID: <1D34BAD1-1955-4D1F-9BD0-A1EE93ED1EE0 at W1md.net>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>> Dah-dit Da-da-dah Comes to mind ;)
>> Marty
>> W1MD
>>> On Feb 28, 2016, at 1:55 PM, Scott Ellington <k9ma at sdellington.us>
>> wrote:
>>> So what is the proper way to politely decline to QSY? Something which
>> means, "Sorry, I do not wish to QSY now, and please let's not argue about
>> it." I often send "SRI", but I'm not sure it get's the message across.
>>> 73,
>>> Scott K9MA
>>>> On 2/26/2016 14:20, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
>>>> Steve,
>>>> I can't speak for any other little pistol or squirt gun out there, but
>> over the years I've learned a bit of a distaste when someone asks me to QSY
>> to another band.
>>>> I've had the request made on one of those rare times I have a run
>> frequency going. If I've got people calling me, I'm not leaving. Worse,
>> I've had people ask this, I would go and work the other band (and I don't
>> always have propagation at the time), and on my return find that the
>> station that asked me "as a courtesy" was now working my run frequency as
>> his.
>>>> When I'm doing S&P, again, I may not have propagation to that part of
>> the world on the other band at that time. And I may have other reasons for
>> not wanting to QSY at that time.
>>>> But the biggest reason I've come to dislike the requests... when (and
>> this happens primarily on voice modes) I'm asked and I decline, the other
>> guy starts giving me an argument. I'm in the middle of a run, I have a
>> half-dozen people calling, and someone wants me to stop cold and discuss
>> why I want to stay put, or don't want to go to another band right then and
>> there?
>>>> Now, I don't mind if, while doing S&P, the op of a M/2 or M/M tells me
>> that their other station is on, well, whatever frequency. Especially
>> during the Sunday "doldrums". As long as they simply mention it. Again,
>> though, when the other op demands to know why not... I mean, really. It's
>> not like a W3 from PA is exactly rare, and I get that they'd like to
>> maximize the number of Q's on each band.
>>>> So please don't take it personally if I don't QSY to another band.
>>>> 73, ron w3wn
>>>> On 02/26/16, sbloom at acsalaska.net wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure changing the exchange is realistic (though man that *IS* a
>>>> great idea) ...but I will comment that I find it increasingly difficult
>>>> to communicate *anything* other than the contest exchange with most
>>>> folks. I always try to get guys late in the contest ..if/when things
>>>> are slow ..to QSY to other bands ..and I'm probably down to 1 or 2 in
>>>> 10 ...giving me any answer at all ..yes or no ...no matter how much I
>>>> QRS. Probably not much that can be done ..as code readers become more
>>>> popular ..but it does suck.
>>>> 73
>>>> Steve KL7SB
>>>> On Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:09:21 -0500, Jeff Clarke wrote:
>>>> A simple solution. Make the callsign part of the exchange like
>>>> SS. For example if I work P40W he would send KU8E P40W 5NN 5.
>>>> There were several stations this past weekend in ARRL DX that wouldn't
>>>> even send their call until they weren't being called by anyone anymore.
>>>> Some others would work between 5-10 stations before they sent their
>>>> call.
>>>> I blame alot of this problem on the dumbing down of DX contesting (and
>>>> DXing in general) caused by packet spotting. Most casual DX contesters
>>>> like SOA and just click on packet spots and work people. No skill
>>>> needed anymore to copy a call or have any knowledge about propagation
>>>> to know which band to be on to maximize your score. To me it's similar
>>>> to catching fish in a barrel. Those on the other end of the pileup know
>>>> this and this is why they don't ID frequently. It's very frustrating
>>>> for those who still like to be unassisted.
>>>> It's obvious to me that many of these people also can't copy CW other
>>>> then their own call. I had a situation on 15 CW Sunday morning in ARRL
>>>> CW that I had a bunch of dupes that started calling me. Someone had
>>>> probably spotted my call wrong. It was amazing to me that many of those
>>>> that called were well known contest calls. They still called even
>>>> though I was sending my call every QSO. I checked the spots of my
>>>> callsign after the contest and that's exactly what happened. It wasn't
>>>> until someone spotted me with the comment "call correction" that the
>>>> dupes stopped.
>>>> BTW, I'm not against SOA. I guess I'm just old fashioned because it's
>>>> just not challenging to me. I like to find stations and band openings
>>>> on my own. That's more thrilling to me. To each his own. If you get a
>>>> thrill from clicking on spots all weekend long, more power to you.
>>>> Kudos to guys like K3WW and AA3B who have good stations, are great run
>>>> operators and they know how to interleave spots between their runs to
>>>> maximize their score.
>>>> Jeff KU8E
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> CQ-Contest mailing list
>>>> CQ-Contest at contesting.com
>>>> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
>>> --
>>> Scott Ellington K9MA
>>> Madison, Wisconsin, USA
>>> k9ma at sdellington.us
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> CQ-Contest mailing list
>>> CQ-Contest at contesting.com
>>> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 5
>> Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 22:51:25 -0600
>> From: Scott Ellington <k9ma at sdellington.us>
>> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Your Call?
>> Message-ID: <56D3CE4D.7050806 at sdellington.us>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
>> On 2/27/2016 07:33, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
>>> I think the solution is quite simple - it should only be acceptable to
>>> ask someone else to QSY when they have answered your CQ. In fact, it
>>> is bad manners, IMO, to ask anysingle op who is running to QSY.
>> What about late in the contest, when the running stations is getting few
>> replies, and you need the multiplier?
>> 73,
>> Scott K9MA
>> --
>> Scott Ellington K9MA
>> Madison, Wisconsin, USA
>> k9ma at sdellington.us
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 06:45:17 -0500
>> From: Tony Brock-Fisher <barockteer at aol.com>
>> To: reflector cq-contest <CQ-Contest at Contesting.COM>, "YCCC at YCCC.ORG"
>> Subject: [CQ-Contest] YCCC/WRTC2018 Matching Gift Program MAXED OUT!!
>> Message-ID: <56D42F4D.3050600 at aol.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> Yankee Clipper Contest Club is thrilled to announce that it's Matching
>> Gift program for individual donations to WRTC2018 has been fully
>> utilized! Since it's announcement, the program has matched donations
>> made to WRTC2018 through WWROF up to the program maximum of $1000.
>> Thank you to all who donated and helped maximize the gift to WRT2018.
>> ...and thanks to WWROF for assisting in the administration of this program.
>> We hope to work all of you in WRTC2018!
>> Respectfully,
>> -Tony, K1KP
>> President, YCCC
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 7
>> Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 07:36:52 -0600
>> From: "ve4xt at mymts.net" <ve4xt at mymts.net>
>> To: Drew Vonada-Smith <drew at whisperingwoods.org>
>> Cc: "cq-contest at contesting.com" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Your Call?
>> Message-ID: <B4AAD5F9-F900-43F9-B377-E75FEB1E51D2 at mymts.net>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> Drew wrote:
>>> The other fellow (sorry, forgot the call) about just having fun and not
>> being vindictive. You are right and it is a good message to throw in the
>> mix. This isn't an attack. That being said, we can still strive for best
>> practices, and this can include up to DQ for the really bad actors.
>> The best answer here -- work him, ask for his call, NIL if refused --
>> isn't about being vindictive, it's simply about giving him the chance to do
>> the right thing. The NIL at the end is required by the rules: if you don't
>> know who you worked, how can you call it a Q?
>> Plus, no rule or even common courtesy would demand you continue listening
>> until he finally does ID. Especially since if you let these guys affect
>> your S&P performance, you have only yourself to blame. Lots of fish in the
>> sea...
>> Vindictive would be to work him, not ask for his call and then NIL him
>> without having given him the opportunity to earn your Q.
>> Then again, if we all simply ignored these arses, they'd have no pileups.
>> It's not unreasonable to ask: If you don't know who it is, why are you even
>> calling?
>> Somehow, I don't think our pack mentality would allow it.
>> On phone, when the guy says you're a dupe, at least you can answer "But
>> you never ID, so how would I have known?"
>> 73, kelly, ve4xt
>> ------------------------------
>> Subject: Digest Footer
>> _______________________________________________
>> CQ-Contest mailing list
>> CQ-Contest at contesting.com
>> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
>> ------------------------------
>> End of CQ-Contest Digest, Vol 158, Issue 51
>> *******************************************
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