[CQ-Contest] Tennessee QSO Party Results

John E Bastin bastinj at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 08:52:20 EST 2016

On 31 Dec 2015, at 01:22, Tom Osborne <w7why at frontier.com> wrote:
> Just recieved a nice certificate from the TnQP in the mail
> Along with the certificate was a nice little newsletter with the scores,
> some other info and some soapbox comments.  Very nicely done.
> Congrats to the TCG for making me feel welcome in their contest.  73

I second that. I also received my TnQP certificate with the additional newsletter this past week. It’s a nice package demonstrating good thought and efforts by the TCG.

Thanks very much! I’ll make sure to be back for this year’s running of the contest.


John K8AJS
bastinj at gmail.com

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