[CQ-Contest] Tennessee QSO Party Results

Tom Francis w1tef at swsports.org
Sat Jan 2 16:08:06 EST 2016

That was a nice elegant certificate and the stats breakdown with
scores was a very nice touch.  I liked it so much, I'm stealing the
stats newsletter idea for the South Carolina QSO Party. <grin>

Tom, W1TEF/4
Chair, SCQP Steering Committee

On 12/31/2015 1:22 AM, Tom Osborne wrote:
> Just recieved a nice certificate from the TnQP in the mail
> Along with the certificate was a nice little newsletter with the scores,
> some other info and some soapbox comments.  Very nicely done.
> Congrats to the TCG for making me feel welcome in their contest.  73
> Tom W7WHY
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