[CQ-Contest] Absurd Rule in NAQP

AE1P ae1p at arrl.net
Sun Jan 17 20:32:56 EST 2016

I agree with Jim on this one...

Take away the 100 w and no spotting...
and its the same as most other contests...
NAQP has always been my favorite, if only because
I will never have anything more than a little pistol station...
If its not broken why try fixing it?


On 1/17/2016 1:29 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On Sat,1/16/2016 1:24 PM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
>> It's hard for me to understand why NAQP would cling to this 
>> antiquated situation. 
> Because NAQP is basically designed for a boy and his 100W radio. No 
> amp, no assistance. Use of spots changes the nature of the contest. 
> One of the most fun aspects of these contests is team competition, and 
> Multi-ops are not eligible. Certainly there's benefit in Multi-single 
> for training,  but I really see NAQP as a SO LP unassisted contest.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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