[CQ-Contest] Absurd Rule in NAQP

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Jan 17 01:29:18 EST 2016

On Sat,1/16/2016 1:24 PM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
> It's hard for me to understand why NAQP would cling to this antiquated 
> situation. 

Because NAQP is basically designed for a boy and his 100W radio. No amp, 
no assistance. Use of spots changes the nature of the contest. One of 
the most fun aspects of these contests is team competition, and 
Multi-ops are not eligible. Certainly there's benefit in Multi-single 
for training,  but I really see NAQP as a SO LP unassisted contest.

73, Jim K9YC

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