[CQ-Contest] CQWW Madness

Aldewey at aol.com Aldewey at aol.com
Sat Jul 23 18:09:21 EDT 2016

Back in 2012 when I was chair, the ARRL CAC did, indeed, look at distance  
based scoring for the ARRL DX Contest and ended up NOT recommending that it 
be  implemented.  Admittedly, ARRL DX is a different animal than CQWW DX but 
 some of the issues being discussed here related to propagation favoring 
W1, W2,  and W3 still apply.  We studied this in quite a bit of detail and 
even  looked at actual data from past contests.  K1EA helped us rescore them 
with  a distance based scoring approach.  There were , indeed, some 
differences  in the results.  In general scores in the midwest rose and those on the  
east coast went down somewhat.  In one instance, a W9 went from fifth to  
first place.  However, overall, the differences were not as much as we  would 
have thought.  At the time, there was quite an outcry from the  contesting 
community NOT to implement distance based scoring mainly because  propagation 
can be finicky and sometimes make long distance Qs easier to make  than 
shorter distance especially on bands like 10 meters when it is open.
The biggest conclusion we arrived at, after over a year of study, was that  
the only way things come close to being fair to is to report results by 
Region  and that was our biggest recommendations at the time.  I think this was 
 what K5ZD and N0AX were alluding to in an earlier post on this thread.
To me, it really comes down to the Top Ten boxes.  If they continue to  be 
reported by country in large geographical  countries like the U.S, they  
will never be fair and some people will always be bent out of shape.  In my  
opinion, regional based scoring has a better chance of making things fair than 
 any tweaking we could do with the scoring model.
Al, K0AD
In a message dated 7/23/2016 8:28:43 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
ku8e at bellsouth.net writes:

I'm  curious if CQ has ever explored using
distance based scoring like what's  used in the Stew Perry contests? Figure 
points based on distance and keep the  zones/counties as multipliers. Also 
make US states and VE call areas  multipliers to even things out with EU. 
I'm sure there would be some way to do  this. Maybe it's time to call N6TR 
since Tree has figured out how to do  this.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE  Droid
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