[CQ-Contest] CQWW Madness

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mymts.net
Sat Jul 23 19:40:07 EDT 2016

Hi Jim,

Interesting points. Thanks. One note inserted below;

> On Jul 23, 2016, at 4:48 PM, Jim Brown <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:
> Hi Kelly,
> On Sat,7/23/2016 1:08 PM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
>> Do you really think distance-based scoring will lead to a change in distribution of winning scores?
> Some, yes. More important, virtually all stations "off the beaten track" will get higher scores because more stations want to work them. With the current rules, once you've worked the country and the zone, another Q is only 3 points. But if, for example, you're in W1/2/3, every VK, ZL, CE, VU, etc. gives you 20-30 points, you're more likely to chase them as opposed to working another easy Q to EU, with one-third the distance credit.
>> Even if you get more points for CA-EU contacts, would that be enough to compensate for the fact a K1 is still going to work through many more layers than you?
> At least partially, because it changes who wants to work YOU, and how badly they want to work you.
>> And aren't you still left with the same paucity of contacts - relative to the numbers in EU - to your west and northwest?
> Not if stations in those regions are more motivated to operate, and/or to put in a more serious effort. And I'm not thinking only of me, I'm thinking of guys all over the world who have the same problem. Like PY5EG who commented earlier in this thread.
>> And, will this compensate for the fact, California notwithstanding, you are still going to hear and work much more and much farther DX than the best VE4 and VE5 stations?
> In CA, it is much more difficult for me to work EU than for you, but it is easier for me to work AS and VK. You would get more credit for all of those DX Qs that are more distant for you. You would, for example, get a lot more points for working PJ4 that would a station in GA or FL.

This could be a case of ‘walk a mile in his shoes.’ I can’t say I know what it’s like to operate into EU from Calif., and I’m pretty sure you’ve not operated a DX contest from VE4. It is not ‘easy’ to work EU on the high bands — while a decent K1 station can probably work all levels of Europe, we’re often lucky to work the first layer — and almost impossible on 80 and 160. You can’t work what you can’t hear, and you can’t hear what doesn’t actually propagate into your area. 

I can, however, honestly say I’d trade all of my ‘advantages’ for all of your ‘disadvantages’!

Your experience in Chicago doesn’t really come close to VE4. There really is truth to the idea of the Black Hole.

>> I'm not necessarily arguing against the change, just sceptical it will actually change anything, or will have a positive effect for all involved.
> I believe it would have a very positive effect on those stations who are the most disadvantaged, while removing some of the advantage of those who have it, which is why I suggested it. :) It doesn't mean that stations in/around the Atlantic would not have an advantage, but it would be LESS of an advantage, and those much farther from that region will feel more like they're actually IN THE CONTEST!

For us, making a few more points on US contacts would be a plus, but I can’t imagine this making it any easier for us to work the DX that K1 and W6 can take for granted.

> One simple example -- in ARRL DX CW, first class single operators at super-stations K6XX, W7RN turned in scores that were less than half of less-equipped stations in W3; the score from the M/M team at superstation N6RO scored was less than the scores of K3LR and W3LPL.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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