[CQ-Contest] Dayton Hamvention

Alan n3ad at comcast.net
Sun Jul 31 11:36:04 EDT 2016

I agree with the recent posts by Ed/W0YK and Jim/N3BB. I first attended 
Hamvention about 50 years ago and I've probably been there 35 out of the 
last 40 years. Yes, the facility at Hara to use a technical term sucks. 
It was at its worst around the time of the sewer overflow - that was one 
of the few I missed. I actually believe its gotten better - or at least 
less bad - in the past few years. For many years I took an 8AM flight 
home on Sunday to be at my University's graduation. Since I retired, I 
now go back to the hamfest on Sunday morning for a few hours. That is a 
great time to talk to vendors. I've often been asked why I keep going 
back. The most significant thing that brings me back year after year is 
meeting up with old friends and the people I work many times a year in 
contests. The contest Suite at Crowne Plaza and the contest dinner are 
the highlights for me.

DARA says they have an alternate site - rumored to be at the University 
of Dayton. They are to be commended for having the foresight to have a 
Plan B. If that works out I will be happy and will be there next May. 
There have been discussions of alternate cities - all of which would be 
an improvement over Dayton, but without a group like DARA, with all 
their many dedicated volunteers, the Dayton Hamvention could not be 
duplicated. Early in this discussion, someone mentioned that 
Indianapolis has a suitable facility and in a recent post some mentioned 
Cincinnati. Since each of these cities is less that a two hour drive 
from Dayton, perhaps DARA could partner with a club in that city to 
continue what to many of us is a great institution. I've been to 
Cincinnati a few times, but don't remember much about it. My vague 
recollection is that it is a bit better than Dayton. I do remember 
visiting the world class zoo in Cincinnati. Is the street adjacent to 
the ballpark still called Pete Rose Way? I sure hope so. I've never been 
to Indianapolis - probably passed through but don't remember stopping. 
But neither of these cities, nor many others, will have all the 
amenities that attract convention goers that Orlando or Las Vegas has. 
With all their amenities, they lack one thing - a dedicated group like 
DARA to take on this massive undertaking.

If Hamvention is held next year in Dayton or elsewhere the key to its 
continuing success will be how many of the tens of thousands of us who 
attend will be there. Even more important is how many of the vendors 
return. The first year will be key. Is it a low point where the 
Hamvention can build back up to what is now or will it be the high point 
on the road to it's demise. I, for one, am rooting for the former.


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