[CQ-Contest] Yaesu FT-1000 CAT to USB

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 16:53:54 EDT 2016

The model you suggest seems like a good choice. It uses the FTDI 
chipset, which, as others have mentioned, is the right choice.

Shopping around you could save about $10 and still get the FTDI chipset.

Steve, N2IC

On 06/03/2016 09:23 AM, FritzOAQ wrote:
> I'm wanting to get rid of my boat anchor of a computer running Windows 98 &
> N1MM+.
> So, what's the best/cheapest solution of getting the RS-232 plug from my
> Yaesu FIF-232C box into a USB on the new computer?
> I see a USB to RS-232 adapter (USB-RS232) at
> http://www.hosenose.com/store/productDetail.aspx?ProdID=5658
> <http://www.hosenose.com/store/productDetail.aspx?ProdID=5658&PrimaryCatID=4
> 6&> &PrimaryCatID=46& for $22 which looks like it shud do the job.
> Any suggestions, ideas, comments?
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