[CQ-Contest] Great book

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Fri May 13 17:05:13 EDT 2016

I bought it on a whim the other night (from amazon.ca) and have had a hard
time putting it down !  I find myself even on coffee breaks picking up my
smartphone to try to get another ½-chapter in.

A real good read, even though I have read a lot online about WRTC2014, N3BB
really brings the event alive with his writing style & more details of
pretty much everything..


Great job !


I am abt 70% done and even though I already know the outcome, I can’t wait
to read the final 30% of the book.


Mike VE9AA


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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