[CQ-Contest] All the Assisted ops, where do they all come from?

Oliver Dröse droese at necg.de
Mon May 23 13:35:19 EDT 2016

Nobody talked about DQs here, Ron, you're reading to much into it.

What we are showing is how much getting spotted makes a difference! 
Everybody who once experienced a packet pileup knows how much it helps 
your score (again from an Average Joe's perspective).

73, Olli - DH8BQA

Contest, DX & radio projects: http://www.dh8bqa.de

Am 22.05.2016 um 22:50 schrieb KU7Y:
>>> and even if he didn't call CQ, he would get spotted in a flash. Would
> you
>>> really then consider him assisted? .
>> Definitely! Because of him getting spotted he can make many more QSOs
>> than us average Joe's in DL, W, PY, etc. If that isn't changing the game
>> then I don't know ... ;-)
> He should be DQed because someone spotted him? (Isn't claiming unassisted
> when using assistance grounds for a DQ?)
> That's such a ridicules idea that it can't be anything but a joke.  Right?
> OK, back in my hole,
> Ron, KU7Y
> Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
> Northern California Contest Club
> Silver Springs, NV
> ku7y at qsl.net
> http://www.lsacfunds.com/
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