[CQ-Contest] All the Assisted ops, where do they all come from?

Steve Bookout steve at nr4m.com
Mon May 23 22:09:58 EDT 2016

You guys are pickin' the 'fly poop out of the pepper'.

Steve, NR4M

On 5/23/2016 1:43:PM, Oliver Dröse wrote:
> Hi Zack,
>> My opinion FWIW: It depends on whether he ASKED to be spotted or not.
> Does not make a difference, see below.
>> Stations that are assisted in the contest can spot whoever they wish; 
>> they
>> have no idea of what category the station they are spotting is entering,
>> and they do it of their own free will.
> Sure. Nonetheless it *is* helping the spotted station. Isn't that 
> assistance, too? ;-)
>> Now, if the other station ASKED to
>> be spotted, that's a whole different slant. I'd put him in the Assisted
>> category in that case.
> Asking to be spotted is usually against the rules and base for a DQ 
> rather than a reclassification (for CQ WW see IX. General Rules, 
> bullet 4).
> 73, Olli - DH8BQA
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