[CQ-Contest] Convergence and Change

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Tue May 24 14:35:37 EDT 2016

And why not be creative enough....to counter ghost operators by merging
Multi categoriea with Single Op?

One Happy Contest Family where we have used all available metods to
reduce cheating possibilities - and all traditional fun at the same
time.... ;)

73 de Mats RM2D (SM6LRR)

On Wednesday, 25 May 2016, Christian Schneider <
prickler.schneider at t-online.de> wrote:

> On 24.05.2016 at 17:53 Martin , LU5DX, wrote:
>> Even if it is about at a zone or country level, results cannot be properly
>> adjudicated, simply because the improper use of dx alerting cannot be
>> proved to the extent needed.
>> So please simply say now that you are for abolishing power categories,
> too. Otherwise your argument makes no sense. And we all know that is even
> more difficult to prove power cheating - so with your arguments it were the
> more necessary to abolish power categories. Why request one and be
> deafening silent about the other? Dare, for the record.
> Over,
> Chris DL8MBS
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