[CQ-Contest] Convergence and Change

Yuri Blanarovich k3bu at optimum.net
Thu May 26 11:38:27 EDT 2016

Why is it so hard to accept and use sensible definitions of SO and SOA?

SO - Single Operator - station operated by single, one, operator without 
"ASSISTANCE" by SOMEONE ELSE via any means - be in the shack, over 
internet, phone, ESP, whatever....
That means NOT someone/something else outside of own shack is gathering 
info on call, frequency, etc. and communicating to Single Operator. 
Technology in one's own shack is OK, own Skimmer at the QTH is OK. 
Remote, outside of own QTH "suppliers of call/freq", persons or gadgets 
are assistance by someone else - NOT OK!

SAO - Single Operator Assisted - station operated by single, one, 
operator with ASSISTANCE by Someone/Something Else outside of own shack, 
via any means, providing Call/Frequency info.

Normal people, SO, would do hunting on their own, with own rifle, find 
the bear and "nail" him. Feels good!

"Assisted" people SAO would have army of hunters, finding the bear, kill 
him and then yell: "come, here is the bear, kill him!" Click, gotcha!

But Hams have a problem figuring what the ASSISTANCE is. Huge 
discussions about - is the pencil, keyer, computer, etc. assistant?

Personally, I would like to see the "assistance" by Internet go away or 
be restricted to use. Just like DXing was ruined by nets, list, 
contesting is being poisoned by Internet spoon feeding Call/Freq. 
Instead of preserving pure hunting aspect, we get crazy pileups, 
frequency hogging, unsportsman like behavior, hunting dead bears.

Don't get me started on "rentastations" - hey, its me, in someone else's 

Have fun, whatever is left of it!

73 Yuri, K3BU.us
da place for conventions, weddings, concerts,...

 On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 10:27 PM, Jack Haverty wrote:

> So, I'd like to see a split of assisted versus unassisted based on 
> those observations, with the following basic definitions:
> Unassisted - a station using technology, of any kind, to communicate 
> using only ham radio waves.  All communication across the station 
> boundary (building, 100-meter circle, whatever) must be performed 
> using ham radio.  Within the station boundary, other forms of 
> communication may be used.
> Assisted - a station using technology, of any kind, to communicate not 
> only using radio waves, but also using other forms of communications 
> across the station boundary for whatever purpose the operator wishes. 
> All contact exchanges (whatever that means) must however be 
> accomplished only by ham radio communications.
> In other words, Unassisted means you use only ham radio; assisted 
> means you may use other forms of communications as well.
> 73,
> /Jack de K3FIV

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