[CQ-Contest] Its not the Sunspots folks

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Nov 1 10:30:32 EDT 2016

Agreed.  There were plenty of zero pointers to work, who sat and called 
cq endlessly.  Why does the USA always get "punished"? There are lots 
more hams in EU now then ever.  The scores show that it was a pretty 
good contest over there.


On 10/31/2016 4:10 PM, Jeff Clarke wrote:
> After the terrible conditions in CQWW DX SSB this weekend allowing 
> USA-USA QSO's for 1 point looks to be an attractive option. Why is it 
> this is allowed for EU stations and VE's working the USA making it 
> basically a domestic like contest for them? Plus it's the same for 
> those stations in North Africa. (CN/CT islands/EA islands) It at least 
> makes the contest fun and interesting for them while the rest of us 
> suffer thru bad propagation.  Of course the contesting purists out 
> there will veto this idea in a millisecond. :)
> The saving grace for me is I will be in PJ4 for CQWW DX CW and look 
> forward to having you as a captive audience !
> Jeff / KU8E
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