[CQ-Contest] It's not the sunspots folks

Mark markzl3ab at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 00:15:37 EDT 2016

"W0MU asked:  "Why does the USA always get "punished"?" in the CQ WW

Answer: Because it's a DX contest!  A better question is, why are we all
forced to work a station in our country just to get country credit for our
own country?  Wouldn't it be way more efficient to just get automatic credit
for our country and zone?"

On the basis it's a DX contest an even better question would be:

Why do VE to W qsos get 2 points when ZL to KH6 qsos (for example) get 1
point yet the ZL signal has to travel up to 6 or 7 times the distance?

Just saying...

Mark ZL3AB

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