[CQ-Contest] Sweepstakes pointers

Steve Lott lottsphoto at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 07:10:53 EST 2016

The Contesting WiKI is either down or the link to
MO2R A Sweep Stakes perspective by KG5VK is dead
so if your looking for that item here is a new link to it

Posted with hope that the new link is helpful to someone :)

Remember the Number One Rule.....
Have Fun !


Now in NTX !!!

My Ham Radio Friends

On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Bill Mader <billamader at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sadly, the MRRC Sweepstakes Handbook does not appear in a quick Google
> search, although there are several references to it.  I have a copy, and
> noted it is very well done.  Some of it is more applicable to the MI and OH
> folks, but most of it applies to us all.  I wish I had it when I lived in
> MI
> the second time!  Catch me before the contest and I'll send you a copy.
> K3TN's PVRC "handbook" is pretty good, just not as extensive, and its
> focused on CW:  http://www.pvrc.org/Files/ARRL%20Sweepstakes.pdf.  It's
> too
> late to re-design one's station, but perhaps a few details are possible to
> change to help make the event more fun (more contacts and multipliers).  In
> our case, we need to become familiar with our new and temporary
> surroundings.
> Don't get too anxious.  We'll also provide MAR at VY2TT using the call
> KS5Z/VY2 (no competition here).  We're looking forward to a fun weekend!
> 73, Bill, K8TE, also, KS5Z, Terry,  and brother Greg, KB7KYK
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:29:19 -0800 (PST)
> From: "Alan M. Eshleman" <doctore at well.com>
> To: w1ve at yccc.org
> Cc: Timothy Holmes <taholmes160 at gmail.com>,     CQ-Contest
>         <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Sweepstakes pointers
> Message-ID: <70560767.457660.1479248959548.JavaMail.zimbra at well.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> VY1AAA sure relieves a lot of anxiety. Thanks.
> With respect to the PVRC  SS primer, 80/75 are definitely NOT the "money
> bands" for us left coasters...
> 73,
> Alan/K6SRZ
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