[CQ-Contest] Quick SSB Contest - Phone Fray Tonight

dfaklis at frontiernet.net dfaklis at frontiernet.net
Tue Nov 22 06:36:40 EST 2016

Phone Fray - Tuesday, Tonight, 9:30pm EST (0230-0300z Wednesday), 30-minute SSB contest.  Please bring a friend and introduce a new contester into the mix.  One QSO or many, please enter your score.

The Phone Fray is weekly and mirrors NAQP SSB; exchange name and S/P/C, mults per band.

Suggested center frequencies are:  21.325, 14.250, 7.175, 3.800 (try to avoid 3.790-3.800, and lower is better), 1.875.

Note:  Please make sure to check up above 7225.  It's been a bit congested around 7175.  Also, on 80, check low to about 3750.

20 may be open at the start, then folks move down to 40, 80, and Q's are had on 160 in the last 5-10 minutes.

Rules are here:  http://www.perluma.com/Phone_Fray_Contest_Rules.pdf

Join the free Yahoo Groups Reflector for communications:  

No logs, just report scores to http://www.3830scores.com

Please forward this email to your clubs and amateurs that might be interested.   Great for new contesters and veterans alike.


73, Dean, NW2K

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