[CQ-Contest] Need confidence....

Ray Day rayday at cox.net
Tue Oct 4 21:03:20 EDT 2016

Hi all,


Ray, N6HE here. My radio club plans on going to activate Santa Catalina
Island (IOTA NA066) again in February 2017. In the past we've had problems
with 2 radios simultaneously on 20/17, 17/15, 20/15, etc. We don't have the
room to be completely "tip-to-tip" with our 2 hexes, nor can we get much
physical separation between the 2 antennas for the 2 rigs. So - problems.


Now I'm thinking that the "Triplexer + Bandpass Filters" idea with only one
hex antenna might be the answer. I hear reports that this approach works
well, but I'm totally chicken to try 2 of my radios transmitting into one
antenna (or more accurately, 1 transmitting and 1 receiving) at the same
time. Jeez - 100W that close to a receiver's input???? Nice theory!


So my question to the group is "Have you had personal experience with this
setup AND does it work as advertised?" I see triplexers from Dunestar and
Low Band Systems (with the associated bandpass filters) - we'd be on 2 of
20-17-15-12-10M at the same time.


Your thoughts?


Thanks in advance,

Ray N6HE


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