[CQ-Contest] RDXC Entry Reclassified to High Power

Ed Sawyer sawyered at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 5 14:22:20 EDT 2016

I started boycotting it a couple of years ago.  While Bob's saga is the
worst I have ever heard of, the RDXC has had a history of changing scores
drastically and there is no way you can make heads or tails out of it.  Who
needs that honestly?  I occasionally get on and work some interesting
Russian DX but I never send in a log any more.  Fun for me, their loss, but
that's not my problem.


As soon as WRTC said that RDXC was a 1000 point contest, it was "game over"
from my perspective.


I think it would be tragic if a great contester like 5B4AGN is discouraged
from pursuing what he loves because of this bad experience.  Join the rest
of us Bob, and focus on the good contests.  I hear a great one is coming up
at the end of this month.  Contest on bro...


Ed  N1UR


By the way - my 10 year long run of LP entries have numerous RBN "dots" of
stronger signals than K1DG, K3LR, and K5ZD.  Not many but a few.  Never even
owned an amp during those times. Just the combination of my yagis and
terrain and a brief favorable prop condition.  I am proud of those,  As
should Bob if they are truly existing.

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