[CQ-Contest] modest proposal ...up to 200w

David Pruett k8cc at comcast.net
Mon Oct 10 22:44:07 EDT 2016

Speaking as the owner of not one, but six FT-1000Ds (200W xcvrs) from 
the days when K8CC regularly ran multi-multi in DX contests, I can't see 
any merit to this proposal.

It's a matter of having a fair playing field.  While I don't have any 
statistics, I expect that there are a lot of amateurs competing in the 
low power category with 100W radios.  These people cannot simply 
increase the power of their radios to 200W to be competitive with their 
competition running 200W radios (a 3 dB disadvantage) without adding an 
outboard power amplifier.

The owners of 200W radios are free to run their radios at full power if 
they wish, then they will be in the high power category where they will 
be competing with stations running up to 1500W (an 8.75 dB 
disadvantage).  Let's see how they like it...

When I enter a contest in the low power category, I turn my FT-1000Ds 
back to 100W and do just fine.

Dave K8CC

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