[CQ-Contest] DX Doubler and cabling with FT5000/3000?

Jeff Kinzli kinzli at kinzlicoils.com
Mon Oct 17 17:08:27 EDT 2016

Thanks all for the feedback - much appreciated!

Jeff N6GQ

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 10:36 AM, David Pruett <k8cc at comcast.net> wrote:
> I have a DXDoubler with a PIEXX SO2RXLAT and it works perfectly.   The only
> thing necessary is that your logging software must support the MicroHam SO2R
> protocols over USB to control the SO2RXLAT (which then controls the
> DXDoubler).
> On 10/17/2016 12:24 PM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
>> If you have the DXD working with a computer and a Yaesu radio now, it
>> should work fine as is: I’m relatively confident Yaesu has been consistent
>> with the microphone pin-outs.
>> But if your computer, as with many modern computers, lacks an LPT port,
>> you’ll need an LPT emulator such as the SO2Rxlat from Piexx. It’s a USB to
>> LPT translator.
>> Top Ten specifies the SO2Rxlat as a suitable interface.
>> 73, kelly, ve4xt,
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