[CQ-Contest] K4BAI Story in Local Paper

Gerry Treas K8GT k8gt at mi.rr.com
Mon Oct 24 14:49:10 EDT 2016

Thanks for posting the article Jeff.  It tells what so many of us in ham 
radio particularly contesters already knew.

I was operating in the 1996 US Islands/Canadian Islands Contest on 
Harsen's Island in Lake St. Clair and John answered my CQ with a 
greeting as we had worked many times before.  I asked if he'd be at 
Dayton as I would like to meet him in person.  John said no, that he 
doesn't care for crowds so doesn't attend Hamvention. Thanks to all the 
folks in SECC and others for convincing him to attend.  I've enjoyed 
seeing John and chatting many years now in Dayton.

The honor and tributes are certainly deserved for a true gentleman.

73, Gerry, K8GT

On 23-Oct-16 23:02, Jeff Clarke wrote:
> I hope John doesn't mind me sharing this with his many ham radio contesting friends.
> http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/chuck-williams/article109883982.html
> I've known John since our family moved to Columbus, Ga in 2002. He was very welcoming to us when we moved here knowing no one. In the years we have lived here we have become best friends. I always enjoyed our regular Wednesday lunches to talk contesting. We have enjoyed many fun things together such as our QSO Party adventures, our yearly PJ4A trip and WRTC in 2006.
> I'm blessed to have met a real gentleman in contesting and to have him as a friend.
> Jeff, KU8E
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Droid
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