[CQ-Contest] "D1WW"

Bosko Milankov yt7ty at mts.rs
Thu Sep 15 06:25:54 EDT 2016

I`m not expect any logical and based on the low and regulations answer. 
Your post confirm my expectations.

If you relly wont be a legalist you must use regulation in the right 
way, and real facts. You can`t use the political position of your 
government in ham radio and attitudes of some interest groups like CQ 
Contest committee, DARC, OH2BH gang etc

You must have the same criteria for all illegal activations.

The 1st major  Z6 is inside Serbia and Serbia has not accord Kosovo ( 
Kosovo is not memeber of Unated Nations )  and not allowed the results 
of their elections to be and never supported Z6 in contests and any 
other activities.

I am sure that you know very well how Kosovo became a memeber of IARU. 
If you haven`t decision of ITU you cannot use any prefix outside of the 
regular ITU Prefix list.

Have Z6 this decision of ITU?

Bosko  YU3A

On 14.9.2016 22:18, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
> The 1st major difference is that D1 is located in an area that by my 
> understanding is now controlled by Russia and not Ukraine but 
> contested by Ukraine.  Z6 is inside Serbia and Serbia has allowed the 
> results of their elections to be.  Z6 is contested yet in a way 
> supported by Serbia.  D1 appears to be supported by Russia and the 
> Crimea area that is highly contested by Russian and Ukraine.
> D1, Crimea, Kosovo are all political situation so there is no way to 
> leave the politics out of it.
> Z6 is part of the IARU at this point from what I can research. Has D1 
> applied to be part of the IARU?  If so then maybe they will be included?
> If I renounce being a part of the State of Colorado can I be my own 
> country too? What does it take to be recognized as a "real" country.  
> Not much since a pile of rocks in the middle of the ocean that are 
> above the water most of the time are somehow a country........
> I am surprised that the Indian Reservations have not picked up on this 
> and ran with it.  Just think of all the new countries we could have in 
> NA~!
> W0MU
> On 9/14/2016 11:27 AM, Bosko Milankov wrote:
>> Please explane me, and many others in the word, difference between D1 
>> and Z6 status, taking into consideration ITU regulations, without any 
>> political explanations.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Bosko  YU3A
>> On 13.9.2016 21:38, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
>>> So how do we decide what callsigns are good and what are not?  We 
>>> have master lists to keep people from playing games with the 
>>> clusters and RBN network.
>>> I believe by posting your reply that you made it more of a political 
>>> post than the prior posts.  If you do some research you will see 
>>> there are two sides to every story.
>>> According to my sources these two areas are supported by Russia.
>>> Politics have always been part of radio.  That cat was let out of 
>>> the bag long before I was born.
>>> If we can verify that these callsigns are real hams and have some 
>>> sort of legal basis to operate I would allow them.  My guess is that 
>>> they are using that callsign without any ITU coordination which 
>>> makes them a bit suspect in my eyes.
>>> W0MU
>>> On 9/13/2016 12:38 PM, Mats Strandberg wrote:
>>>> Lugansk and Donetsk
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