[CQ-Contest] Texas QSO Party This Weekend

Charles Sanders no5w.chuck at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 11:42:30 EDT 2016

This coming weekend its time again for the Texas QSO Party in two sessions

Session 1: Saturday 1400Z - 0200Z Sunday
Session 2: Sunday 1400Z - 2000Z Sunday

Check here for  full rules <http://www.txqp.net> and follow the Routes menu
to the 2016 Routes display to see the planned activity, both fixed and
mobile. You can also go directly to the planned activity page here

Currently 12 mobiles and 34 fixed stations have announced plans to activate
231 counties and there could be a few more on the way. It's a very balanced
activation in terms of CW and SSB. For example if you plan to do an
SSB-only operation current data indicates there will be 199 counties for
you to track down whereas CW-only operators will have 193 counties to point
their RF at.

If you are into maps and APRS, there are maps for the various days and
modes and most of the mobiles are APRS-equipped for display on a composite
map on aprs.fi with county overlays allowing you to easily spot when they
are about to transition to a new county -- pileup time!.

Thanks for the bandwidth. We hope you will have some time this weekend to
join us for some fun radio in the Texas QSO Party.


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