[CQ-Contest] Disqualified callsigns - CQ WW SSB contest.

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Thu Apr 13 11:37:42 EDT 2017

>From P40A, a number of U.S. stations call me outside of their phone band
in every contests. I doubt it is intentional, just careless spot clicking.

John KK9A

From:	Steve London <n2icarrl at gmail.com>
Reply-to:	n2ic at arrl.net
Date:	Thu, 13 Apr 2017 08:03:42 -0600

One of those DQed is a YB who made about 50 QSO's, and may not even
understand what self-spotting is. But the worst that happens to a USA
contester, who knowingly or carelessly works stations out-of-band, is that
he/she loses the QSO and gets a slap on the wrist.

That's simply a message to USA contesters that, in the future, they have
nothing to lose (except possibly the QSO) if they work stations

Steve, N2IC

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