[CQ-Contest] X-QSO - CQWW LCR's

ac0w at charter.net ac0w at charter.net
Thu Apr 13 18:36:15 EDT 2017

The issue of X-QSO or X QSO does generate an error for NAQP's that
gets identified in the confirmation email and only the confirmation
email. It is the participants responsibility to correct the error and
resubmit. If the participant does not read the confirmation email or
does not correct and resubmit the line will be ignored.

Basically it is the participants responsibility to submit a good log.
To suggest the log checker or contest manager modify a log so that it
is properly received opens up a whole new round of ethics. Now I will
work with and advise the participant on how to get a good log
submitted as sometimes the error messages can be challenging to
understand. But I won't modify the log.
Now the disclaimer, that this may not apply to all contests on how
they handle the log receiving and preliminary log checking.


 -----Original Message-----
 From: Dick Green WC1M [mailto:wc1m73 at gmail.com] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 1:47 AM
 To: w5ov at w5ov.com; 'Peter Voelpel' 
 Cc: cq-contest at contesting.com
 Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] CQWW LCR's and log scrubbing

 The log checking program could be smarter about common mistakes like
that. At the very least, an "X" in column 1 without a hyphen ought to
generate an error so the person doing the log checking can make a
manual correction.

 73, Dick WC1M

 -----Original Message-----
 From: w5ov at w5ov.com [mailto:w5ov at w5ov.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 3:02 PM
 To: Peter Voelpel 
 Cc: cq-contest at contesting.com
 Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQWW LCR's and log scrubbing


 You entered them as "X QSO". You left out the hyphen "X-QSO".

 For this reason your QSOS with OE6Z and E7DX on 75 were ignored by
the log checking software.


 Bob Naumann W5OV
 CQWW Contest Committee

 See below:

 QSO: 21217 PH 2016-10-30 1901 DJ7WW 59 14 IR1X 59 
 15 0
 X QSO: 3789 PH 2016-10-30 2238 DJ7WW 59 14 OE6Z 59
 15 0
 X QSO: 3787 PH 2016-10-30 2241 DJ7WW 59 14 E7DX

 On Wed, April 12, 2017 5:38 am, Peter Voelpel wrote:
 > Hi Randy,
 > What happens to the other station?
 > I had two QSOs in CQWW 2016 marked with X on a different band while

 > doing mono band. Both qsos are listed under "Stations Receiving Not

 > In Log From DJ7WW".
 > Their public logs show them both.
 > 73
 > Peter

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