[CQ-Contest] Request to publish all calls of stations found to be breaking any rule in all contests

Ria Jairam rjairam at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 22:29:38 EDT 2017

If it was an honest mistake (eg VFO out of band, op didn't realize) it is.
There is NO need to publicly shame people for an honest mistake such as
that. Especially if it's the first time they've done it.

>We also must get away from National scoring in countries like the US and
>Canada, Russia and other places where it is obvious that certain regions
>huge geographic advantages over the rest of the field.  We all can't and
>want to move to Maine or the NE in the USA and I am sure those already
>would prefer we stay away!  HI!  Maybe in ARRL contests more emphasis
>should be placed on division winners and the competition within.  Not all
>contests lend themselves easily to this.

Why can't we have both? We have both now.. Part of the strategy of
contesting is choosing a location. This is why stations go to the Caribbean
and other places to compete. Now you can even rent a remote station and
stay wherever you are and operate an east coast station in Maine or New
York or wherever. And don't think east coast or New England automatically
means a win. K3LR beats them from basically the Ohio/PA border and K5TR is
pretty competitive from Texas, W7WA is competitive from Western Washington
(leveraging his proximity to JA, no doubt), W8JI station does well from
Georgia, etc. But if you want to compete regionally, you can. In fact, the
line scores are broken down by call district, and the only separate
countries/regions mentioned in the magazine articles are usually USA and


On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 6:29 PM, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu at w0mu.com> wrote:

> Printing a call and violation does not equal excessive public humiliation
> to me.  YMMV.

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