[CQ-Contest] CQ WW Committee blog post - audio recording

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Apr 18 19:02:14 EDT 2017

On Tue,4/18/2017 1:33 PM, Gerry Hull wrote:
> I end up winning. Am I
> disqualified because we did not record?

All of these scenarios defy logic. The CQ committee has the RIGHT to 
request a recording. That doesn't mean that they WILL unless they 
suspect that something is rotten in Denmark (not a slam on Denmark, 
simply quoting Shakespeare. :)

And the scenario of some "fan" almost immediately finding the station 
they admire on a new frequency in a crowded band time after time doesn't 
compute. Remember -- this is SSB, T48K was in Cuba, the spotter was in 
VE3, where he's likely to be hearing EU, USA, and SA. And that still 
doesn't excuse the violation of the operator asking for spots.

A recording is one tool to expose and/or verify cheating. I seriously 
doubt that the log checking team has time to examine the recordings of 
everyone at the top of a category, especially a 48 hour contest.

I'm pleased to see some cheaters DQed, and offer my thanks to the team 
of log checkers that do the heavy lifting to do so.

73, Jim K9YC

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