[CQ-Contest] CQ WW Committee blog post - audio recording

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 09:19:58 EDT 2017

On 04/18/2017 05:02 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On Tue,4/18/2017 1:33 PM, Gerry Hull wrote:
>> I end up winning. Am I
>> disqualified because we did not record?
> All of these scenarios defy logic. The CQ committee has the RIGHT to
> request a recording. That doesn't mean that they WILL unless they
> suspect that something is rotten in Denmark (not a slam on Denmark,
> simply quoting Shakespeare. :)

It can also be used as a weapon against people they don't like. "I don't 
like K9YC. He came in 3rd place, single-band 10, low power. Log looks 
clean. Let's see if he has a recording."

Steve, N2IC

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