[CQ-Contest] KU1CW location

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Jun 8 13:50:27 EDT 2017


You have apparently read only a few select sections of the FCC Rules, 
and fail to understand their concept of a "control operator."  That 
concept is, for example, also the basis of repeater operation on the VHF 
and UHF bands. The "control operator" is the licensed person responsible 
for the proper (legal) operation the repeater, and except for rare 
periods of maintenance (repair), is NEVER present at the transmitter 
site, but is required to have a reliable method of preventing illegal 
(unauthorized) operation.

This concept applies equally to ANY licensed station, whether operated 
remotely or by an operator who sits at the station. A ham remotely 
operating a station via the internet is NOT the "control operator" -- 
he/she is simply operating that station via remote control under the 
supervision/monitoring of the "control operator."  The problem here is 
one of words and phrases that can (and here, DO) have multiple meanings 
depending how they are used. If, for example, the remote operator does 
something wrong, the "control operator," as defined by FCC Rules, must 
be capable of determining that is happening and stop the improper 

Like many OT hams, I've worked at AM, FM, and TV broadcast stations, 
studied both Amateur and Broadcast FCC Rules since the late '50s, and 
understand these concepts. Until it was discontinued, I held a First 
Class Radiotelephone license, and since I was no longer working in 
broadcast, didn't bother to maintain the equivalent. There's still a 
very thick copy of several Parts of the FCC Rules on my bookshelf, and 
for years, I received regular updates. :)  The word "Parts" here means 
the large sections of the Rules, each with its own number, defining and 
applicable to various kinds of licenses and operation.

73, Jim K9YC

On Thu,6/8/2017 3:40 AM, Peter Bowyer wrote:
> "Operator privileges are those authorized by the alien's government,
> but do not exceed those of the FCC Amateur Extra Class operator." is
> quite clear - you get your home license privs as long as that doesn't
> exceed Extra, otherwise you get Extra.

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