[CQ-Contest] CX2DK CQWW checklog

Jorge Diez - CX6VM cx6vm.jorge at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 09:30:51 EST 2017

Hola Marcelo

And which were the qsos who have doubts? I imagine that they have indicated
that they have suspicions that you have done some qso by phone or used the
cluster, if it does not, look like a dictatorship, they tell you that they
pass you to checklog without saying the reason?

Of course, the reason is not having the audio of the contest.  And who was
the genius who put that into the rules?

Surely some inept who can not solve the things that he has to solve from
the position he has and passes the responsibility to the operators

Operators should be concerned about their radios and antennas, nothing more

Now they are going to ask a photo of the wattmeter to those who do qrp?, A
blood test for those who operate 48 hours?

The committee has to control that all people operate within the limits and
they who have to see how to control it themself. They cannot give this
responsability to the operators. If they at the CC can not make it, go away
and give the position to someone who can do it

And the famous SDR? Scroll the SDR and do not bother us asking for more and

every year is more complicated to make a contest


2017-03-02 17:28 GMT-03:00 Marcelo Egues <marcelocx2dk at gmail.com>:

> Hi all.
> After several years, I began with contests. Over time I have personally and
> economically sacrificed so that my station every day is in better
> condition.
> Today I wake up and found this mail from one of the organizers.
>  "Thank you for your participation in the CQWW 2016 competition. We can not
> verify the category of your entrant due to the lack of registration of your
> entry to the contest, as required by the rules of section XII, section C,
> we have reclassified your entry as checklog.
> We hope to see you in the CQWW 2017 contests.
> Scott Robbins
> W4PA
> On behalf of the CQWW committee "
> The CQWW has changed the rules since 2015. Now the single op stations must
> have the recorded audio of the contest on separate channels so that
> everything is transparent and without lies.
> In case the organization of the contest considers it necessary, they ask
> for it.
> But, I don't have audio recording and internet.
> Dear Members of the CQWW Control Organization.
> If they want audio file, they can not give more than a day after the
> contest ends to send the log and audio, so there is no time to review it.
> How could it be that for not having audio, send me to checklog being the
> first in my category with a big difference (double of points) with the
> second???
> If there are doubts of some multipliers, please delete them, remove qsos or
> whatever, but do not send me to checklog without asking.
> The contests are possible because of the participants who invest a lot of
> money so that everything works better year after year, leaving many things
> aside for the contests, which deprives many things by putting all the money
> available on the radio and improving the Station  for a plaque with the
> best of luck.
> Many stations this year were penalized with good reason or without reason.
> But can not you listen to audio with the SDR?
> How many M/M, M/S or other stations use 4kw or more instead of 1kw?
> Who controls real power?
> Who controls the receiving antennas to less than 500m?
> Who controls that these receiving antennas are not in another country and
> are heard remotely?
> Who controls that a callsign has several stations set up in the same
> country but in different places and depending on the propagation activate
> one and turn off another?
> In the CQWW CW single operator, who knows if it is an operator or several?
> Today there are many people in the world who are angry and think if they
> are going to do the CQWW 2017.
> If the idea is to take real solutions, disconnect the cluster (DXSummit,
> DXFUNCluster, etc) or RBN during the contest.
> The stations that intend to leave assisted, pass the IP so that only these
> IPs have full access to the cluster.
> Leave the cluster only for warc during the weekend so that those who want
> to access those pages can have it.
> 73
> Marcelo CX2DK
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