[CQ-Contest] CX2DK DQ

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Thu Mar 9 17:53:22 EST 2017

I always Operate Field day as One Alpha.   I sold the Alpha and now it 
is one Elecraft or One Ameritron.  Did anyone care?  Nope! Did I get a 
lot of laughs.  Yep.  Did I submit a log.......Nope.


On 3/9/2017 1:35 PM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
>   Clearly not everyone agrees with a common definition of "participating in the contest"
> I can choose to OPERATE in a contest (or not), and by doing so, I could be considered as a "participant"
> I can then choose to SUBMIT a log afterwards to the contest sponsors (or not), and by doing so, would definitely be considered as a "participant"
> So is Operating in the contest the same as Participating?  Personally, I'd say "yes" -- but participating or operating does not mean that I expect or plan to submit a log (for scoring) or check log (for any of a number of reasons too numerous to mention).
> And... if I operate in the contest but am operating "casually", and/or don't follow the contest rules (such as using packet as a single op, or not strictly follow power limitations, etc) -- which can happen when I don't plan to submit a log to the sponsor afterwards -- I'm still "participating".  I simply operated, had fun, and moved on to the next thing, and that is all.
> That doesn't make me a competitor in the contest.  Just a participant.
> Submitting or planning to submit the log for scoring purposes?  That makes me a competitor.
> For example...
> The annual Mooselvannia State QSO Party was last weekend.  The contest rules limit competitors to 200 W output and for single ops, no packet use (why?  Because this is a rhetorical situation).  But it so happens I needed Mooselvannia on 15 meters CW for 5BWAS purposes, and three or four counties for USA-CA purposes.  So I cranked up the amp, watched the cluster, and got everything I needed.
> Did I participate?  Yes.
> Was I a competitor?  Well, since I only worked what I needed, and didn't bother to submit a log to the sponsor, the Flying Squirrel ARC, no.  But I had fun, I had a goal, and I accomplished it.  And those folks who I worked?  Hopefully they appreciated it.
> 73, ron w3wn
> On 03/09/17, Jim Brown wrote:
> No, it doesn't imply that at all. When you work a station calling CQ
> Contest, you are participating in the contest.
> Put another way -- it's perfectly legal to call a station in your
> country who's calling CQ DX, but it's not a nice thing to do, and the
> other station has every right to be pissed off. :)
> 73, Jim K9YC
> On Thu,3/9/2017 5:50 AM, Ria Jairam wrote:
>> That would imply that NAQP entrants have exclusive use of the bands during
>> NAQP which is not the case.
>> I am not competing for anything in NAQP, stew or any other contest if I
>> work a few contacts and don't submit a log. (I do submit a checklog out of
>> courtesy sometimes) It is very much unreasonable to ask non participants to
>> abide by the rules, plain and simple.
>> Ria
>> N2RJ
>> On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 12:50 PM Jim Brown <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue,3/7/2017 8:47 PM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
>>>> Those rules, and any rules, only apply to people actually entering the
>>> contest. Those who merely play radio during a contest with no intention of
>>> filing a contest entry may use whatever technology is permitted by their
>>> licence classes.
>>> When you participate in a contest by working other contesters, you have
>>> entered the contest. You are competing for contacts, and use of spots
>>> and high power give you an advantage over other callers. When you win
>>> the QSO after a call, you have disadvantaged another operator. Likewise,
>>> when you splatter or have a wide CW signal, you disadvantage other
>>> operators. One of the pleasures of NAQP is that it is a 100W contest
>>> with no spotting for single ops. Another pleasure is that it's a team
>>> competition for single ops.
>>>> What signals ‘sound like’ can certainly be deceiving. Many times I have
>>> been running compromise antennas at less than 100w and been told I’m the
>>> loudest guy on the band, but that’s simply the perfect alignment of skip
>>> zones and takeoff angles. I often had trouble being heard by other
>>> operators in the same general area.
>>> Yes, but when signals are from the same general area and one is a lot
>>> louder, you know. :)
>>> 73, Jim K9YC
>>>> 73, kelly, ve4xt,
>>>>> I'm regularly disappointed that a significant number of NAQP
>>> participants don't obey the rules that require that a single-op be
>>> non-assisted and no more than 100W, as indicated by obvious
>>> cluster-inspired peaks of activity, and signals that sure don't sound like
>>> 100W.
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